Friday, April 1, 2011

Lent Day 24

Work to have fun.  I have a friend that calls Friday “Little Saturday”.  That was appropriate for today.  As I prepare for this weekend, I find myself with so much to do before we can go have fun.  I kept thinking about how much fun I am going to have with my family and friends going to the Jacksonville Zoo this weekend.  First things first, I must get my work done.  That’s why it’s called Little Saturday.

I was excited to know that I was home in time for exercising well before sunset.  I left the dogs at home so that Tyler and I could go by ourselves.  We had to switch it up a bit.  Tyler got to ride his bike while I was jogging.  This worked out much better until . . . the hills.  The hills were not too bad for Tyler, but really difficult for me.  I understand that if this becomes too much like a chore for him, then he will not want to do it with me anymore.  Therefore, I find myself right behind him, pushing at the back of his seat, running all the way up the hills.  I would be totally spent by the time we get to the top and he’s say, “that wasn’t too bad”.

I suppose God is like that for us.  He goes with us and enjoys the companionship.  If the journey with God gets too difficult, then people may tend to lose interest or even worse, lose faith.  He knows how much we can handle, and when we think things are getting too tough, we may not even realize when he is pushing on the back of our seat helping us up those big hills.

We saw two deer in the edge of the woods and then a hawk fly right over our heads.  It seemed strange that both things were moving right past us so quickly.  Then I heard a rustling through the edge of the woods.  It sounded like something was coming right at us.  Just at that moment, Tyler hit some soft sand and fell off his bike.  I ran toward him and just as I got there, I looked to my left to see the most horrifying sight.  It was a small bear cub.  Right beside it was a huge mother black bear.  The cub came toward Tyler and I yelled as loud as I could.  The cub meandered by Tyler but the mother being protective, started charging right at me.  I knew I had my pistol with me, but I didn’t even have time to put a round in the chamber.  I reared back and threw the hardest punch I could right in the nose of that bear.  I knocked it back just enough to stop it so that I could get my gun out.  As I grabbed my gun, it sat down holding its nose and whispered, Happy April Fools Day. 

One more thing, I also found a key in the road.  It was a key to a Toyota.  I wonder where it is and how it got away without the key.  Ok, back to work.  Isn’t it funny how much work we have to do so that we can go relax and have fun?  Happy Little Saturday my friends!

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