Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lent Day 45

Good Friday.  It is Good Friday not because of anything we have done, but because of what He did for us.  God gave his only begotten son.  Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins.  He committed His life so that we may have eternal life.

I participated in the passion play at church where we reenacted the crucifixion of Jesus.  As a Roman soldier, I had to block Jesus from the crowd as He carried His cross.  What surprised me the most was how animated some of the members of the crowd had become.  The hatred for this mere common criminal shocked me.  Before, during, and after the death on the cross, they continued to disbelieve that He was their savior. 

I watched the actor play Jesus on the cross.  He did so with such stoicism and stamina.  I know that I was standing on the ground for all that time and felt weak in the feet and knees.  It was much harder to be standing on a cross.  It must have been so much for Jesus to bear up on that cross.  The physical torture that Jesus went through was obviously unbearable.  It just amazes me that the people 2,000 years ago could stand there and spit upon Him and display so much hatred for Him.  Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.

Anything that I have gone through during this Lent period has certainly paled in comparison.  It felt like so much effort physically, emotionally, and mentally.  I ran this afternoon in the 90 degree heat.  I felt focused and I wanted to put forth more effort today than anytime previously, especially today.  I knew if I kept pushing myself harder, I could do it for Jesus.  It was the least I could do to show Him that I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.  My final time was 30:40.  I felt like I had failed when I had to keep walking in that hot sun and finished with a worse time than previously. 

The journey is not over.  The Good Friday event just began.  Sunday’s a coming!  Starting tonight, I shall Fast for 40 hours: through Easter morning.  I shall do this with complete dedication of myself and remain committed to Him.  It just feels like such a small sacrifice in comparison.  I will definitely do one thing even after Easter; I shall remain dedicated. 

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