Monday, April 18, 2011

Lent Day 41

The home stretch.  I have the inspiration to get me started.  I have the commitment to get me actually going.  I have the dedication to continue through the journey.  Sometimes, I even have the speed to go faster.  However, full endurance has always been a hard part for me.  Whenever I am out running I realize something right near the end; I don’t want to push through the last stretch.

That last home stretch is always the most difficult part.  When I was out running the 5K Saturday I had a really hard time getting up that last hill.  I knew full well what I was going to do on that last 100 yard dash, but getting up that last hill was almost too much.  Whenever I do the 5K in my neighborhood, I run 2.5 miles to the south round trip, then past my house to the north another round trip to finish up.  The hardest part is passing my house so close to the end.  Wasn’t that good enough?

They say most car accidents happen within 10 miles of your house.  I know some blondes that may consider moving now.  However, the real reason for this is about increased odds; this is where we drive the most.  The old myth behind this phenomenon is that we get too relaxed and comfortable when we get near home.  This is what happens to me when I am out running . . . without the accidents.

One thing I have always struggled with during my life is giving 100 percent.  In college I was an “A” student.  I never felt the need to strive for “A+” or 100%.  Surely an A was enough.  Truth be told, I always aimed for and accomplished 95%.  No one ever looked at my transcripts and thought, if only he made higher A’s.  Maybe this home stretch thing has been with me my whole life.  This is probably the root cause behind my desire to be better than myself each day.  What would it be like to give 100% to anything and exceed all expectations?  I have to admit.  This sounds very intriguing even though I had written off the notion years ago.  Maybe that will be next year’s Lent.

A few years ago I was conned into purchasing asphalt for my 250 linear feet of driveway . . . a mile down a dirt road.  That’s another story.  Anyway, it has always been great for the boys to ride bicycles, write with chalk, or other fun activity that can’t normally be done in the grass.  About two years ago Christy took a video of me running up the driveway with the boys.  I watched that video in awe.  I was completely shocked that I was that fat guy having a really hard time running up that driveway one time.  Tonight I started very slow.  Ok, I will just run up and down the driveway until I get tired then walk, do push ups, or something.  Shucks, I wasn’t getting tired after 15 minutes, but I did get bored.  There is an average of 80 jogging steps each way up and down that driveway.  Then the jump rope gave me a whooping.  Then pushups, then some new activities with those dreaded five pound dumbbells, then some sit ups, and then the hard part; I have to write to all of you who keep me accountable.

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