Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lent Day 39

The big race.  We got up early this morning full of anticipation.  Suddenly, my mind started wandering into a debate; do I run this race to show God and myself what I can do or do I hang back with friends and enjoy the time?  After all, this is not supposed to be a diet and exercise plan.  Knowing that my wife and friends were all training to run “their” race, I figured it would be best for me to run at my own pace. 

The weather was forecast for heavy storms and radar was lit up in red all around us.  In 38 days of exercising outside, I have not had rain on me yet.  Just like all those times God took away the “rain” excuse, God kept all of the bad storms away from the race area.  In fact, we only had a few light sprinkles for a minute or two during the middle of the race.

We lined up.  Those who can run fast, get in the front.  The slower folks need to get in the back.  I jumped in the middle and suddenly . . . I felt nervous.  What if I can’t do this?  What if I barely make it and look like a fool?  A few minutes ago all of these people were smiling, joking, and being so nice to each other.  Now, they all have their serious game face on and they look ready to run.  My friend Spence got near the front while Christy and the Archambaults got in the rear of the pack.  I actually felt nervous, intimidated and wondered if I was about to get run over.  

On your mark, get set, . . . Go!  Ok, start running at a good pace and stay with everyone.  Oh no, it starts with a hefty uphill.  We haven’t made it a quarter mile (all up hill) and I am feeling winded.  I suddenly realize that I cannot keep up this pace.  I need to back off from this front pack or I will never make it.  Finally, I’m at the top of the first hill.  We have some fairly flat roads for a minute.  What am I doing at this increased pace?  This is not what I did out on the dirt road. 

I need help.  Since I didn’t have Monte tied to my waist to help pull me along, I had to look elsewhere.  God, I really need you now.  I don’t know what I was thinking assuming I can do this on my own.  No wonder I was so nervous.  God, this experience is about building my relationship with you.  I focused on that commitment to God.  Suddenly, I fell into my steady groove and comfort speed.  My breathing and heart rate were right at my comfortable level.  Ok, let’s keep this pace.  The first large group had pulled away and no one was too close behind me.  It was just God and me . . . going for a normal run.

There was one really long steep up hill on campus at the 2 mile mark.  I thought we were turning left at the top sidewalk, and I was determined to make it there.  There was a staff person standing there to bear the really horrible news . . . keep going further straight up that hill to the top, turn around the curb, then come back to here to take that turn.  Argh!  I finally had to walk about 100 feet.  After that, I resumed my steady pace the rest of the way.  There was one super steep uphill right before the end.  A guy was standing at the top cheering me on.  “You can do this!”  I realized he was right.  I stared right back at him.  I got to the top where he was, thanked him, and then exploded!  I took off for that last 100 yard stretch with everything my body had to give.  Sprint with all my might as hard as I possibly can!  I did it in 27:51!!!  My best time ever. 

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