Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lent Day 14

Running at dusk / night poses some additional factors.  Besides not being able to see well, it can be a bit scary . . . for a city boy like me.  I went running north tonight instead of the usual southern path to avoid dogs and such.  When I started out, I looked up and could only see one star in the sky.  It was a bit creepy in the dark silhouetted trees.  Christy offered me her Mag-light, but I didn’t think I needed a big heavy flashlight.  Besides, I didn’t know what it would do to my eyes.

I decided to take Molly with me tonight instead of Monte.  I think Molly would lie down and be better bear food while I ran for safety screaming like a . . . man.  While running for any length, most people will slow down and walk once in a while.  Molly is not like most people.  Since this was only her second run, she did not have the endurance.  When she gets tired, she drops like a rock.  Seriously, she just stops, puts on the brakes, and tries to make herself feel like dead weight.  This is when I noticed a couple of lightning bugs blinking in the edge of the woods.  I thought, “There is natural light all around me.”

We went all the way to the paved road and back.  I saw more cars tonight than usual; two and one of them even passed me.  Even though I was dressed in all white, I held the screen of my phone facing him as my “warning” light to let him know I was there.  After Mr. Gordon passed, I had to wait a minute for my eyes to readjust to the dark.  I took a minute and looked up at the sky to see that a few more stars began to shine through he night air.

I began thinking how God can be our light in life.  I think that being committed to Lent this year has made me open my eyes to what God wants me to see.  Last week I focused on listening to God, maybe this week I should focus on what God wants me to see. 

I continued running and noticed that even though the woods are very dark, the road was certainly shining bright.  Then I figured out something.  The moon is not made of cheese.  I have narrowed it down to two possible chemical make ups: that mysterious stuff they put inside of those glow bracelets that you get at the fair or lime rock roads.  More than likely, I have to go with lime rock roads because most of those bracelets are varying colors and the moon is only white.  I sure hope the guy that grades my roads doesn’t try to do any work on the moon’s lime rock.

By the time I got back to the house I noticed that the sky was full of stars.  I could see the big dipper and several other constellations.  Of course, it was nice to be back by my own house where the street lights brighten my yard just like this city boy likes it.   Yes, I shall finish doing my exercises in the house where it is all lit up.

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