Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lent Day 8

What a difference a week makes.  I find it very interesting that I have committed myself to 40 days of Lent, completed 7 days, and still have 40 days to go.  That’s what I get for including Sundays; a week of Sundays.  Wow, that phrase finally makes sense now.

I missed my chance to do the daily exercise early this morning so I had to do it tonight.  The problem with Wednesday night is that we have church dinner and bible study.  Yep, there it is, the church dinner.  Now those of you from the South understand that a church dinner does not have any consideration for diet.  Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, bread, chocolate pudding, and . . . salad.  Yes, I ate way too much . . . salad. 

Sacrifice.  Once we get home, it’s time to take the boys in, do the nightly routine, say prayers, and go to bed.  Unfortunately, making this commitment means sacrificing some things that are important to me.  I had to miss out on my boy’s night time routine so that I could go run 3 miles.  The things we sacrifice only add to the value and meaning of our commitment.  Trust me, it has a negative impact on my motivation.  This is why it is really important to have a strong motivation like I have right now; God via Lent season.

I go outside in the dark with a dog leash.  Monte is all excited for me.  He even ran back and forth on the porch, but he would not come out in the yard to me.  He was very enthusiastic for me . . . but not with me.  Molly was none the wiser.  Molly is a sweet, timid, slightly overweight beagle.  She has never been on the 3 mile run nor have I ever had her on a leash.  She welcomed the leash and the journey with delight. 

What a difference a week makes.  I am feeling much better physically which makes me feel better mentally.  I have lost 5 pounds already and had at least 1 person ask me if I lost some weight.  I don’t think he could really see 5 pounds come off, but I am certain that I am carrying myself with my head a little higher. 

Molly and I started to run down the moonlit dirt road.  This is a tropical paradise I live in.  I had a goal to make it to the first intersection again without walking.  We got there and we kept running.  In fact, we kept running all the way around the next curve and even to the next intersection.  This is right about the half way point, and Molly had become convinced I was trying to kill her.  I decided when we got to the stop sign, I would walk.  She decided she would immediately lie down and just collapse.  We walked about one city block and back to running.  Poor Molly became additional resistance for me as I nearly dragged her.  By the time we got back to the house, we had only walked 3 times which I would estimate about a half mile worth.  I feel great.  I did my 40 push ups and 40 sit ups without stopping.  What a difference a week makes.  If you don’t believe me, ask Molly!

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