Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lent Day 22

Rules . . . When Lent began I made up a few rules to go by.  These are rules for me to follow in order for me to ensure my success.  For example, I will not eat anything after 7:00 pm.  This is only a part of the commitment as everything else involves giving something up: fried foods, sweets, bread, sodas, and even chocolate.  I suppose I could eat after 7:00, have a candy bar, or even skip my exercise for a day, but that would be cheating and breaking the rules. 

I had questioned why I made some of these rules for myself a few nights ago.  I had to rush home after working a bit late.  I ate dinner as fast as I could in an attempt to finish by 7:00.  I was a tiny bit late, but I figured God would forgive me.  I hurriedly changed clothes and went running and learned something.  There was another reason for not eating past 7:00; stomach cramps when running.  They say don’t go swimming for 30 minutes after you eat.  Apparently that applies to jogging as well.  There are many good reasons to have rules.

America was founded on Judeo-Christian values.  I have always felt being a good Christian is part of being a good American.  When I started Lent a few weeks ago, I felt a strong sense of patriotism come over me in appreciation for the freedoms I am granted: freedom of religion being high on the list.  Christians should follow rules as established by the church and our US Constitution.  Having a strong sense of morals is requisite to understanding what the rules are and why they are in place.  If you have a morals, you don’t need to be constantly reminded what is right or wrong.  A little common sense never hurt anyone either.

Tonight, I really wanted Tyler to go with me.  We even decided to take both dogs with us.  This proved to be much more complicated than I thought.  I suppose Monte is only half of Tyler’s weight, but that is a hefty ratio when Monte’s speed is factored in.  Tyler didn’t appreciate that very much.  I gave him Molly, and it worked out much better. 

We made it almost all the way to where the Great Danes live.  I looked ahead and noticed the gate was open, a blue 4 door Jeep was pulling out, and the big dogs were barking.  Tyler and I stopped and turned around nervously heading back a few feet.  I waved at the lady in the Jeep when she stopped, rolled down her window, and proceeded to yell at me for coming by her house disturbing her dogs.  I was stunned at such an approach.  She assaulted me and let me know that she owned the road in front of her house.  All I could ask her is if her dogs could get out.  She told me that they were in a pen, but they “could” jump out.  I had my son with me.  I had God with me.  I have to be a good Christian American that obeys rules and sets a good example for my son.  Love thy neighbor is on the list.  She pulled off making some snide comments, and we proceeded with caution.

There is a fine line between stupidity and ignorance.  Some people have a hard time figuring out which side of that line they are on. 

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