Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lent Day 7

Have you ever done something really good then felt bad about it?  Of course not.  Have you ever met someone who has found God and all the joy with it, then hear them turn around and say, “man, that was horrible”?  Of course not.  Have you ever met someone who walked a little lighter after losing 25 pounds say, “shucks, I wish I was fatter”?  Of course not.

I have been to the all you can eat buffet, stuffed myself on yeast rolls, meats, cheeses, chocolate pudding, cookies, and maybe even a couple extra desserts.  Oh they taste so good until I get done.  Then I even get to pay to feel this miserable.  Then I go home all weak and bloated and . . . just crappy feeling.  I feel bad because of two reasons.  First, while the food may taste great, it is not good for me physically.  This food does crazy things to blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and blood pressure.  Second, I know this is not good for me so I feel bad emotionally, even guilty.  I know better, but I do it for the temporary feeling of satisfaction.  I know for just a moment that I can have that sensation of pleasure.  That is the problem; pleasure is only temporary. 

On the flip side of that, I have never done something really good and then felt bad.  I have never been philanthropic and then said, gosh that was horrible.  I remember losing weight and quitting smoking and feeling great about it physically and mentally.  I have never known anyone to do anything that makes them happy and then regret it.  Eating the right foods makes me feel better physically and mentally for the inverse reasons stated above.  It is lasting pleasure which is called joy and happiness.

We all know about those things that are “right” and understand they will bring us real happiness that is lasting.  Seeking God is a good thing that will bring about lasting joy and true happiness.  Eating the right foods and exercising will make us feel better physically and psychologically.  If I get out there and exercise, I will balance out the equation to feel better emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Do you know what a horizontal wedgie is?  I didn’t either, until I ran with Monte tonight.  It involves a left pulling dog on a leash that is tied to my right hand belt loop.  Twist.  I am going to have to get that dog an alignment.  Then again, I could just tie him on the left side . . . but that’s where I keep my Blackberry.

I wear fluorescent yellow shirts when I go out biking or running.  This is so that drivers can see me a mile away.  Tonight, that yellow shirt with black stripes had another effect, bumble bees.  Apparently, that huge bumble bee mistook me for a giant flower.  Maybe it was my fragrant scent . . .  as long as it didn’t think I was a bird.

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